Thursday, December 7, 2017

The blog about the rat population of rats in new york

In New York there are a lot of rats every where, and they makeup almost 20 percent of New York's population. There are 2 very distinct species of rat that roam in New York, the brown rat(or the Norway rat) and the brown rat(the ship rat or roof rat). They rarely come out in daylight and they live everywhere. They don't need a lot of water/food to live a day, they only need 28 ounces. Estimates of rats are around 2 million or even the rat population could be estimated to be way larger than New York's population at around 33 million rats. Rats in New York can squeeze through holes the size of a quarter and live for about a year. Rats can transmit diseases to humans which is one of the most dangerous threats they have to humans. They can have pathogens that can make humans vomit and have diarrhea. Some diseases they give include E. coli, Clostridium difficile, and Salmonella. These can be spread by contact with saliva, rat feces and urine. When rats bite they could give rat-bite fever and hemmorhagic fevers, all of these are reasons why rats are dangerous.
Image result for rat meme

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