Thursday, December 14, 2017

The blog that is about animals in North of America that is North of South America

monarch butterfly
The monarch butterfly
There are a lot of kinds of animals that are in North America, and there are still more variations of those animals. For example the American black bear, there are also brown bears that are similar to it. There are also animals that basically represent the country for example the bald eagle. The monarch butterfly is also an animal that roams north america, and it is somewhat important to us. There is the American crocodile which is not as dangerous as it is described. The Gila monster is the only monster that has dangerous venom and is indigenous to the U.S(besides the snake). Also, Reindeer, also known as the caribou are also found in North america,that's it, and Merry Christmas! Also Christmas is probably already past by the time i share this post lol hehe xd.
Image result for reindeer

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